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Starting your own blog can sound exciting and intimidating at the same time. You may be wondering, ”can I really make any money from having my own crochet blog?” The answer is YES, you most certainly can!

While I’ll be referring to starting a ‘crochet’ blog, a lot of the same steps and process will apply to a blog of any niche. So, even if you don’t crochet and want to start a blog (or learn some more about blogging) this post will be helpful!

Now, I’m not going to say that money will just start rolling in as soon as you start a blog. It will take some time and a lot of work, but it is very possible to make a profit (even a full time income and living) off of having a crochet blog.

how to start a crochet blog

Having your own crochet blog is just 1 of the multiple ways that you can make income from crocheting and designing patterns, but I will tell you this, my blog is my #1 income source. I make more money from it than I do from any of my other income streams like YouTube, Etsy, Ribblr or Affiliate Sales.

If you would like to know more about my Crochet Blogging Journey, then check out THIS POST!

So, if you already design your own crochet patterns, then starting your own blog would be a great way to share them with people and to help add another stream of income for yourself.

How Much Money Can You Actually Make With a Crochet Blog?

You may be questioning me thinking exactly how much money can you make from it? In the world of blogging there is basically no cap on what you can make. This is one of the reasons that I love this line of work.

If you want a realistic viewpoint of how much the average person can make blogging, then check out my INCOME REPORTS where I break everything down with my earnings and fees.

A Few Things You Need to Know before You Start Your Blog

I have a lot of things that I want to cover, so I’m hoping to not make this too long of a post. But, there is so much helpful info that I will be including, it will be worth taking the time to read, I promise!

In this post, I will be telling you what you need to do to start your own blog, but before I do, I want to go over a few different things.

Type of Content You Share

When I say ‘Crochet Blog’, I’m talking about a website that offers helpful information like crochet patterns, crochet stitch tutorials, crochet and yarn tips and any other kind of DIY or helpful articles that will relate to this craft.

If crochet isn’t your thing, it can be whatever niche that you are interested in or know a lot about. Maybe it’s travel, food or finance. What kind of helpful things do you know or do that could benefit others?

I do want to make this clear though. A lot of times when I say crochet blog or website, everyone wants to know what I make and sell. I’m NOT talking about selling your finished crochet pieces. In my experience, it’s a lot harder to drive traffic to your own website if you are just trying to sell a product.

I’m sure that there are some people that have had tremendous success in doing this, but it is not the reason (in my opinion) to start a blog. If you want to sell finished pieces, I highly recommend listing them on Etsy or some other platform that is already established to save you a lot of headache. That is unless you already have a large online presence on social media.

Back to Crochet Blog Content!

I don’t want to feed you a line and say that as soon as you start a website, you will just be raking in the money. I want to be realistic with you.

In order to make money, you have to get people to come to your site. You have to be sharing content that is either useful or helping that person solve a problem. You have to share content that people want to look at and need. Content that people are searching for.

Say someone is wanting to crochet a baby blanket, but doesn’t know what stitch to use or how many chains to start with? This is where you can come in with your baby blanket pattern that has all the details of how to make the perfect baby blanket all in 1 post. You give someone a reason to go to your site, check out that post and maybe even click around and stay for awhile.

You will need to decide if you can help provide useful content for others. Because after all, that’s the whole point of having a blog, driving people to your site. The more visitors that you have on your site means the more money you make which also means, no visitors = no money.

Just to give you an idea, look around at other crochet blogs. See what kind of content they share to get an idea of all the different things that can be done on a crochet blog besides for just crochet patterns.

Again, if crochet isn’t your thing, look around at other blogs that are related to your niche and inspire you.

I can’t remember where I read this at, but it said to find someone that is successful at doing what you want to do and learn from them. Look up to people that are farther along in the journey of where you want be. Keep in mind that you don’t want to copy them, but you can still learn a lot from them in the process.

Have a Long Term Mindset

If I said that as soon as you get your blog set up and running that the money will just start flooding in, I’d probably be fibbing. I’m not saying that you won’t be making any money at the start, but more than not, it will be slim at the beginning.

The biggest way to make money off a crochet blog is to monetize it. That simply means to put ads on your website. You know all those pesky ads that float around and you constantly click off the screen? The one that you probably just scrolled past? Yeah, that’s how bloggers make the biggest part of their income.

Just to give you an idea, you have to have a blog that has been up for a minimum of 3 months before you can apply to monetize it. You start with the same ad partner that everyone starts out in the beginning and that is Google Adsense.

Google Adsense is the bottom of the barrel when it comes to income, but as soon as you get those page views up, you can move over to a different ad company ( I highly recommend Mediavine) and start making the big bucks.

I can remember when I was on Google Adsense and would make $0.35 a day at the very beginning of my journey.

Don’t be discouraged if you aren’t making 5 figures by your 6th month like some other bloggers claim to be. I’m not saying that they aren’t, but just hang in there even if the income is small.

But, on the bright side, blogging doesn’t take very much money to start or do!

How to Set Up Your Blog

Now, on to the the main reason for this blog post, setting up your own blog!

1. Pick out a Domain Name

This is a really fun and important part. You want to pick out a name that you really like because you don’t ever want to change it. You technically could change it later, but it can really be harmful to your website traffic (especially if you have built it up.). You really don’t want to have to do this.

So, take your time and be sure that you really like your name (which is also referred to as a domain or domain name)

And, to be honest, the domain name will be something that matters mainly to you. So, you want to make sure you pick a name that YOU love!

2. Choose Your Host and Set up WordPress

After you choose a domain name, it’s time to select a web host.

Who you choose to host your website is VERY important! Yes, there are free hosts that you can use, but I don’t recommend them and the reason is because if you ever have any kind of trouble with your website, the support can be very minimal and not helpful at all.

And, the last thing that you want to happen is to lose all the hard work that you have put months or even years into.

You need a web host that is very knowledgeable and helpful, so when problems arise they can be resolved smoothly.

Unless you have a lot of experience with computers, coding and accessing the back files of a website, you will definitely want someone that knows how to that for you.

I’ve had my website completely block me out where I couldn’t log in or even see anything, it completely whited out and I contacted my host and they went back behind the scenes and got me up and running very quickly!

But, don’t let this scare you! Even if you aren’t super tech savvy, don’t worry about it, that’s why I highly suggest using a good host because they will help you with all that confusing stuff that you can’t wrap your brain around.

I’m going to give you 2 different host options. Both of which I have used myself and some of the pros and cons of each.

1. Bluehost

When I first started my blog, I went with a host called Bluehost. They very reasonable and you can start a website for as little as $3.95 a month for the first year.

I’ve started (or helped to start) at least 5 different blogs with Bluehost since it is a pretty inexpensive host to start with. I’ve worked with Bluehost since at least 2018.

They are a pretty decent host. But, I will admit over the past year or 2 their customer service has went downhill and not been nearly as good as it used to be back when I 1st started with them.

Another problem that I’ve seen happening with them here lately is that the page speed and things like that are soooooo slow. So, if page speed is a super important factor, then Bluehost isn’t your best choice.

If you are super strapped for money then, yes, Bluehost will get the job done. If you have problems with your site (yes, this is common) it may take longer to have them resolved and longer dealing with customer service than this next host I’ll be talking about. But, I did work with them for over 5 years. It’s very doable, you just need a little patience

2. Bigscoots

When I left Bluehost, I went with Bigscoots. I cannot tell you how much I absolutely love them!

Anytime a problem pops up, they have it fixed within 10 minutes or less! Their customer service amazing and they are so helpful!

They are a bit pricier than Bluehost coming in at $34.95 a month. But, the customer service and page speeds are soooooooo worth it!

I have absolutely NO regrets with switching over to Bigscoots….OK, maybe just one. I wish I had made the switch sooner!

After you select your host, you will want to follow all the steps to set up your domain and pay for everything, if you need any help your host can assist you through the process. Once you set that up, you can now move on to customizing your site!

3. Customizing Your Site

Now for the fun part, customizing your blog or selecting your theme.

You want your blog to look the best that it can. You want a site that is it is easy to navigate, looks as professional as possible and that will be something that your readers will want to keep coming back to.

Choosing a theme is fun, but it can be hard to narrow down all the choices (this is always my hardest part)

To customize your site, go to your WordPress Dashboard. (You can log in there after you create your site by going to

  • on the left hand side find the tab that says “appearance” and hover over it
  • click on “themes” from the drop down menu
  • select your theme (or upload it if you have bought one) and then customize it

WordPress has a lot of FREE themes that you can look through. You might can find something that you like, but a lot of time they are just a lite version so all the color changes, extras and fonts cost extra to change.

I just recently had my website redesigned. This was a big expense, but I’m at a place where the income coming in could easily pay for it and it was worth it for me. But, just starting out, I’d highly recommend going with an inexpensive theme because there is no need to spend thousands of dollars on a designer…YET, but you may get to that point later on where you want a fresh, more professional designed website.

When I first started out, I bought a theme off a site (sadly, it no longer has themes available) for $40 and used it for 5 years! That theme worked great and served it’s purpose.

Don’t think that you have to spend thousands of dollars to have your site professionally designed to make money blogging. The main focus of a blog is the type of content that you share. Content is KEY.

I’ve made VERY good money with just using that $40 theme.

Since the website that I bought my 1st theme off of isn’t selling them anymore, I’d highly recommend looking somewhere like Etsy to see if you can find one that you like. Remember that most of them you can customize the colors, menus and different things on specifically for your site.

Just make sure you are looking for a WordPress theme as those are only compatible with WordPress. That is if you create your site through WordPress.

Make sure that no matter where you created your site, that the theme is compatible with it before you purchase it.

Start Making Your Content!

Once you have paid for your domain and hosting and set up your theme, you will be ready to start making content! Yay!

Once you have made a few posts, it’s time to make your blog go live!

Your blog will have to be live for a minimum of 3 months before you can monetize it. That means before you can place ads on it.

After 3 months, you can apply with Google Adsense to monetize your site and start earning some money!

After your views grow, you will definitely want to switch over to another ad company so you can earn the most money. I highly recommend applying to Mediavine!

I hope that you have found this post helpful! Be sure to follow me on social media and check back often for more blogging tips and tricks!

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  1. Thank you so much for sharing this info! I’m finally convincing myself that there may be space for me in the crochet blog world. Wondering how much of a hassle you found it to switch hosts? Is it worthwhile to start with a more cost effective option and switch when you can start monetizing with ads?

    1. That’s awesome! Honestly, it wasn’t a hassle to switch at all. I switched over to Big Scoots and they done all of it for me!